School starts on Monday for my kiddos! And oh goodness I am so grateful I SURVIVED! I love my kids very much and this summer gave me many challenges! You see, this summer marked a significant transition in my life as my first summer as a single mom AND as a conscious entrepreneur. Balancing the dual roles of being the sole provider for my family as a Spiritual Life Coach and ensuring my kiddos' needs were met proved to be a daunting task and at times overwhelming. There were moments of overwhelming stress where I felt stretched too thin, struggling to keep up with the demands of both worlds.
In these moments of chaos and overwhelmingness, I was so grateful to lean on the immense power and necessity of pausing. As I like to tell my kids to take a break when they are overstimulated, I too would declare a "time out" for myself many times. This was a crucial step in prioritizing my mental health, before losing my sh*t. These pauses were not an act of giving up, it was a strategic move to realign and focus on what truly matters.
MY wellbeing, MY serenity, MY sanity
Putting myself first was not selfish, it was important because I know that when my energetic cup is full I can show up authentically and be Cristal. I can be the woman I am meant to be. I can be the mom my kiddos need. I can be the badass Spiritual Life Coach that La Familia needs. Here’s how taking a pause transformed my summer and how you can apply this to your life:
5 Practical Tips for Incorporating Pauses in Your Daily Routine
Schedule Breaks: Set specific times in your day for short breaks to step away and reset. Even if it’s just a minute to put your hand over your heart and breathe.
Practice Mindfulness: Spend a few minutes each day meditating or practicing to be aware of what’s around you. (I personally like this meditation that uses the 54321 Method or check out Love Your Now Comadre YouTube Channel for all kinds of meditations.)
Unplug: Disconnect from technology for a set period each day to reduce distractions and mental clutter, especially from social media.
Prioritize Self-Care: Make easy enjoyable self-care activities like reading, taking a bath, or walking a non-negotiable part of your routine. Be sure to do at least one from each Self-Care Pillar from the Unlocking Your Inner Comadre Program.
Set Boundaries: Clearly define work, family, friends, and personal time to ensure you are fully present in each moment. If you are a person that wears multiple hats be sure to find ways to categorize your energy towards the roles.
Essential Tools to Help You Pause and Recharge
Meditation: Today there are many ways you can find meditations that you work for you. You can utilize apps like Calm or Insight Timer to guide your meditation practice. Or you can find meditations on Spotify or YouTube such as Love Your Now Comadre's Meditation Monday Playlist.
Journals: Keep a journal to reflect on your thoughts and track your progress. You can also use Love Your Now Comadre's FREE Unlocking Your Inner Self Journal
Timers: Use timers to remind yourself to take regular breaks. I know this can be extra work, but creating a structure will help.
Nature Walks: Spend time in nature to ground yourself and find peace. Hug a tree and let Mother Earth comfort you if you need comforting.
Find Your Community: Joining a support group or finding like minded individuals to share your experiences helps gain new perspectives. Love Your Now Comadre holds groups twice a month called Comadreando Group Sessions.
The Benefits of Pausing
Why is pausing so important in a healing journey? Since I started my healing journey 17 years ago I learned (the hard way) multiple times the importance of stopping and becoming aware of my thoughts, feelings, and Loving My Now. As a Spiritual Life Coach I incorporate pausing into all my coaching sessions because I personally have experienced the life changing magic behind pausing. The quote, "STOP and smell the roses" is real and transformative. By incorporating pausing practices into your daily life you too can:
Reduce Your Stress: Pausing lowers stress levels significantly. I have personally seen how my physical health improves when I reduce my stress. I have less migraines, weight loss, better night's sleep, and overall a healthier, happier body.
Improve Your Focus: Regular pausing practices enhance concentration and clarity. When I pause I am more connected to the present moment. Distractions happen all the time, our brain can process so many stimulations all at once. Pausing gives our brains a break and help us to focus.
Enhance Your Well-Being: Pausing more shows up with a higher overall well-being and life satisfaction. The amount of serenity and calmness that pausing has brought into my life is indescribable.
Boost Your Emotional Regulation: Pausing helps in managing emotions and reacting in a healthy way under pressure. Breathe it out!
How Pausing Transformed My Overwhelmed Summer into a Season of Growth
This summer, I was constantly juggling the demands of all my roles such as being a single mom, Spiritual Life Coach, daughter, and friend. Overwhelmed and exhausted at times, I would take a "time out" and prioritize myself. By following the principles I teach in Unlocking Your Inner Comadre program, I found the balance I desperately needed. Here's what happened:
My Struggle:
Balancing work and family life was taking a toll on my mental and physical health. I would catching myself cranky and with less patience. My 10 year old and 4 year old wanted to spend time together constantly and I had coaching sessions, podcast episodes and meditations to record. On top I also had my finical responsibilities. There were not enough hours in the day. My stress was slowing increasing and my body felt it. At times I would catch myself staring at the clock praying it would go fast so the kids can go to bed. I would get irritated when things did not work out the way I wanted them to work out. I wanted control and as you may or may not know, control is an illusion.
My Realization:
Remembering to flow! One day early in the summer break my 10 year old and I had a rough day. They were bored because I had back to back sessions and they wanted to spend time outside. They started testing my limits, just like every 10 year old out there does! I got upset and gave him consequences. I took all his electronics away and sent him to his room for the rest of the day, and his response was, "you're mean and boring, my dad is more fun! I want to live with him!" And I took it personal, I lost my sh*t! I started to question if this mom business was for me! I felt like a horrible mom and a terrible Spiritual Life Coach. How could I encourage and teach La Familia to find in their own peace and calm in their lives, if my own life was tipping over. Later that night during my nightly prayers I had a good releasing session aka a good cry. I realized I was throwing my own version of an adult tantrum. I was overstimulated and under-resourced just like my kids get when they are overwhelmed. I needed to take my own break. I prayed to my higher power to help me prioritize pausing and refocus on my well-being to be effective in all my roles. I wanted to be back in flow with the universe and let go of the illusion of control.
My Transformation:
By putting myself first and following my structured self healing program, Unlocking Your Inner Comadre, I managed to navigate the sh*t the summer threw at me with a smile on my face. I made time each day to make sure I was working my program. If one of the modules was tricky, I knew that was where I needed to focus more of my energy.
I committed to my relationship with my Higher Power- By making sure I was deepening my spiritual connection, I had the wisdom to explore the depths of my inner self.
I allowed my Inner Comadre to take charge- The more I saw my Ego show up the more I knew I needed to stay connected with with my Higher-self. I wanted to follow my intuition and be in flow.
I became aware of the hurt parts of me that were seeking attention- Connecting with either my inner child, inner teen, or inner adult helped me understand why some past experiences were shaping my present. This helped me to know how to nurture and heal this part of myself.
I prioritized my self-care and self love- I prioritized my self-care pillars and was able to cultivate a deep sense of self-love. This was essential for my well-being.
I prioritized my energy and my life- I leaned on my boundaries to protect my energy. This in turn created balance in my life and fostered memorial moments with my family and friends.
I was aware of my triggers- Being aware of the influences of the traumas in my life gave me the awareness of what I needed to heal.
Living one day at a time- Understanding how my trauma responses affect and impact my life and relationships gave me the reminder that life is meant to be one day at a time. It’s not about perfection, it’s all about celebrating the progress.
Giving myself grace when I messed up- Finding peace and gratitude for my life allowed the transformation and emotional freedom I was seeking.
FREEDOM- By letting go and letting God I found my wellbeing, my serenity, and my sanity.
When my energetic cup is full I can pour out to others. When I heal, those around me heal. This fosters healthier connections with those around me.
By working my program I had a great summer overall. Yes, there were days that were tough. And yet I persevered because I knew the program works when I work it. It worked. Looking back this summer I am grateful for many things. I was able to take my kids to the community pool almost everyday. I was able to have pajamas and movie days with my kids. We had castle building competitions, dance parties, and lots and lots of ice cream. I was blessed with the ability to have a solo date and go to a magical concert where I was reminded of the magic of flowing. I was blessed with an all paid for spiritual retreat where I had a spiritual awakening at Mount Shasta, CA. I flowed to the best of my ability this summer. I am grateful for the lessons learned and ready to apply my lessons to my ongoing journey.
The Paradox of Productivity: Why Pausing Can Lead to Greater Success
In our fast-paced world, pausing is often seen as a sign of weakness. However, it’s a paradox that taking intentional breaks can lead to greater productivity and success. Here’s why:
Mental Clarity: Pausing allows your mind to rest, leading to clearer thinking and better decision-making.
Increased Creativity: Breaks can spark creativity and innovative ideas.
Emotional Balance: Regular pauses help regulate emotions and reduce burnout.
Enhanced Relationships: Taking time for yourself can improve your interactions with others by reducing stress-induced irritability.
Are you ready to find your Pause button?
If you find yourself overwhelmed and struggling to balance multiple responsibilities, remember that it’s okay to pause and prioritize yourself. This summer, I leaned on the profound impact of taking a step back and realigning my focus. The tools and practices I used are all part of my 10-week program, Unlocking Your Inner Comadre.
Invest in your well-being and learn how to manage stress, embrace self-love, and live authentically. Purchase the program today and unlock the secrets to surviving life’s pressures with a smile on your face. Sliding scale and payment plans available.
Thank you for your time and energy reading about my summer experince. May you find the tips and tricks to survive the sh*t life is throwing your way. You got this! I would like to end this with a way to remember the importance of PAUSE
I am sending you all so much Fire & Butterflies! And don't forget, Love Your Now!!
Loving My Now,
Comadre Cristal
Spiritual Life Coach